Dental Myths

With regards to taking care of your teeth, there are many misconceptions which are still at large. While oral hygiene just takes minutes of your day, any wrong practices may lead to huge damage which can be difficult to treat. Here are dental myths you need to be aware of: 

The harder you brush your teeth, the cleaner they’ll get. Hard brushing has proven to erode some of the enamels which work as protective layer to your teeth which then expose them to decay and cavities. The American Dental Association has always recommended to using brushes with soft bristles.

It is not necessary to floss. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans has removed regular flossing due to the lack of solid evidence to support it. Many dentists argue that the lack of evidence does not mean that it is not effective. Still, numerous dentists are always recommending regular brushing and flossing as the difference they make on the teeth is visible.

Chewing sugar-free gum is equivalent to brushing. A kid who hates brushing probably started this myth. It is true however that sugar-free gums with xylitol, have protective effects on the teeth. The gum helps saliva production which washes acids from food and even stomach acid. However, sugar-free gums do not remove plaque from the surfaces of your teeth thus brushing is still very necessary.

If the gum bleeds during flossing, leave it alone. The gums bleed because they have become inflamed from the bacteria and plaque stuck in between teeth. Making flossing a daily routine will make the inflammation and bleeding go away.

If you have been slacking on flossing and brushing and catching up on them before a dentist appointment is okay. Dentists say that they can determine whether the person has been slacking on their oral hygiene. Tartars and plaque accumulate and at a certain point brushing alone can never totally get them off.

Sugar is the main culprit to cavities. Candies, lollipops, and other sweets are very commonly associated with cavities. However, chips and crackers have known to be worse. Their starch contains carbohydrates which have sugars responsible for breaking down teeth.

Teeth sensitivity only means that your enamels have been worn out thin. The loss of enamel has commonly been associated with teeth sensitivity. Other factors however can be gum recession and even the use of whitening toothpaste. If the sensitivity is caused by your whitening toothpaste it is rather easy to switch.

Whiter teeth mean healthier teeth. This is not always the case. Nevertheless, many of the causes of yellow or darker teeth are unhealthy – such as smoking. Some of the things which darken the colour of the teeth are deemed healthy are medication, natural process of aging, and stains from drinks or foods.

There is no need to go for a check-up if nothing’s bothering you. Gum issues and cavities do not necessary manifest until the symptoms appear. And by that time it has become a bigger issue. Waiting for the issues to manifest through pains and discomfort may result to root canal or extraction which could have been prevented.